Jewellery Valuation Service

We offer a Jewellery Valuation Service for all your needs:


Make sure you are fully covered with our valuation service based on a new replacement cost of each and all your items. Satisfy your insurance company and ensure you are not undercovered for those items you bought many years ago as the gold price continues to fluctuate.

Wills / Probate:

We can assist you in valuing your items for estate purposes giving an indication of what the items are really worth.

Sale or Purchase from third party:

Helping a friend out? Purchasing items of someone? Get an estimate of just how much the items are worth giving you a better idea of what offer to accept or give!

All our valuations can be undertaken on site at our store and with you present. We do not require to keep your Items. Please call for a quote and an appointment: 0116 2660336